Once you click your agreement to copyright restrictions, you will reach the official Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission medical fee schedule website. The fee schedule applies to medical treatments and procedures that are rendered on or after February 1, 2006 and are covered under Section 8 of the Illinois Workers' Compensation Act. The fees are calculated according to the criteria set forth in Section 8.2 of the Act.
Payment for medical care covered under the Act shall be the lesser of the health care provider's actual charge or the fee schedule amount. If, however, the employer/insurer and health care provider enter into a contract for different reimbursement levels, they would follow the contract instead of the fee schedule.
Please refer to the Frequently-Asked Medical Questions web page for supporting documents and additional information. If you still have medical questions, e-mail wcc.fsq@illinois.gov. If you experience technical difficulties with this website, email RefMed at support@RefMed.com